Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Scientific 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Scientists, Past and Present

The list below is from the book The Scientific 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Scientists, Past and Present, Citadel Press (2000), written by John Galbraith Simmons.

1Isaac Newtonthe Newtonian RevolutionAnglican (rejected Trinitarianism, i.e., Athanasianism;
believed in the Arianism of the Primitive Church)
2Albert EinsteinTwentieth-Century ScienceJewish
3Neils Bohrthe AtomJewish Lutheran
4Charles DarwinEvolutionAnglican (nominal); Unitarian
5Louis Pasteurthe Germ Theory of DiseaseCatholic
6Sigmund FreudPsychology of the UnconsciousJewish; Atheist; Freudian psychoanalysis (Freudianism)
7Galileo Galileithe New ScienceCatholic
8Antoine Laurent Lavoisierthe Revolution in ChemistryCatholic
9Johannes KeplerMotion of the PlanetsLutheran
10Nicolaus Copernicusthe Heliocentric UniverseCatholic (priest)
11Michael Faradaythe Classical Field TheorySandemanian
12James Clerk Maxwellthe Electromagnetic FieldPresbyterian; Anglican; Baptist
13Claude Bernardthe Founding of Modern Physiology 
14Franz BoasModern AnthropologyJewish
15Werner HeisenbergQuantum TheoryLutheran
16Linus PaulingTwentieth-Century ChemistryLutheran
17Rudolf Virchowthe Cell Doctrine 
18Erwin SchrodingerWave MechanicsCatholic
19Ernest Rutherfordthe Structure of the Atom 
20Paul DiracQuantum Electrodynamics 
21Andreas Vesaliusthe New AnatomyCatholic
22Tycho Brahethe New AstronomyLutheran
23Comte de Buffonl'Histoire Naturelle 
24Ludwig BoltzmannThermodynamics 
25Max Planckthe QuantaProtestant
26Marie CurieRadioactivityCatholic (lapsed)
27William Herschelthe Discovery of the HeavensJewish
28Charles LyellModern Geology 
29Pierre Simon de LaplaceNewtonian Mechanicsatheist
30Edwin Hubblethe Modern Telescope 
31Joseph J. Thomsonthe Discovery of the Electron 
32Max BornQuantum MechanicsJewish Lutheran
33Francis CrickMolecular Biologyatheist
34Enrico FermiAtomic PhysicsCatholic
35Leonard EulerEighteenth-Century MathematicsCalvinist
36Justus LiebigNineteenth-Century Chemistry 
37Arthur EddingtonModern AstronomyQuaker
38William HarveyCirculation of the BloodAnglican (nominal)
39Marcello MalpighiMicroscopic AnatomyCatholic
40Christiaan Huygensthe Wave Theory of LightCalvinist
41Carl Gauss (Karl Friedrich Gauss)Mathematical GeniusLutheran
42Albrecht von HallerEighteenth-Century Medicine 
43August KekuleChemical Structure 
44Robert KochBacteriology 
45Murray Gell-Mannthe Eightfold WayJewish
46Emil FischerOrganic Chemistry 
47Dmitri Mendeleevthe Periodic Table of Elements 
48Sheldon Glashowthe Discovery of CharmJewish
49James Watsonthe Structure of DNAatheist
50John BardeenSuperconductivity 
51John von Neumannthe Modern ComputerJewish Catholic
52Richard FeynmanQuantum ElectrodynamicsJewish
53Alfred WegenerContinental Drift 
54Stephen HawkingQuantum Cosmologyatheist
55Anton van Leeuwenhoekthe Simple MicroscopeDutch Reformed
56Max von LaueX-ray Crystallography 
57Gustav KirchhoffSpectroscopy 
58Hans Bethethe Energy of the SunJewish
59Euclidthe Foundations of MathematicsPlatonism / Greek philosophy
60Gregor Mendelthe Laws of InheritanceCatholic (Augustinian monk)
61Heike Kamerlingh OnnesSuperconductivity 
62Thomas Hunt Morganthe Chromosomal Theory of Heredity 
63Hermann von Helmholtzthe Rise of German Science 
64Paul EhrlichChemotherapyJewish
65Ernst MayrEvolutionary Theoryatheist
66Charles SherringtonNeurophysiology 
67Theodosius Dobzhanskythe Modern SynthesisRussian Orthodox
68Max Delbruckthe Bacteriophage 
69Jean Baptiste Lamarckthe Foundations of Biology 
70William BaylissModern Physiology 
71Noam ChomskyTwentieth-Century LinguisticsJewish atheist
72Frederick Sangerthe Genetic Code 
73LucretiusScientific ThinkingEpicurean; atheist
74John Daltonthe Theory of the AtomQuaker
75Louis Victor de BroglieWave/Particle Duality 
76Carl Linnaeusthe Binomial NomenclatureChristianity
77Jean PiagetChild Development 
78George Gaylord Simpsonthe Tempo of Evolution 
79Claude Levi-StraussStructural AnthropologyJewish
80Lynn MargulisSymbiosis TheoryJewish
81Karl Landsteinerthe Blood GroupsJewish
82Konrad LorenzEthology 
83Edward O. WilsonSociobiology 
84Frederick Gowland HopkinsVitamins 
85Gertrude Belle ElionPharmacology 
86Hans Selyethe Stress Concept 
87J. Robert Oppenheimerthe Atomic EraJewish
88Edward Tellerthe BombJewish
89Willard LibbyRadioactive Dating 
90Ernst Haeckelthe Biogenetic Principle 
91Jonas SalkVaccinationJewish
92Emil KraepelinTwentieth-Century Psychiatry 
93Trofim LysenkoSoviet GeneticsRussian Orthodox; Communist
94Francis GaltonEugenics 
95Alfred Binetthe I.Q. Test 
96Alfred KinseyHuman Sexualityatheist
97Alexander FlemingPenicillinCatholic
98B. F. SkinnerBehaviorismatheist
99Wilhelm Wundtthe Founding of Psychologyatheist
100Archimedesthe Beginning of ScienceGreek philosophy

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